April 22, 2022 — A Volvo oil consumption class action lawsuit alleges a piston ring recall should have already been issued for 2013-2016 Volvo vehicles equipped with 2.0L 4-cylinder or 2.5L 5-cylinders engines.
Those engines are allegedly defective because of the pistons, piston rings and/or piston heads. The oil consumption class action alleges the piston rings cannot clear engine oil from the side of the cylinder walls during the downstroke.
This allegedly pushes oil up where it coats the top of the piston head, enters the combustion chamber and ignites.
The Volvo lawsuit alleges the oil control ring is defective and doesn't allow the oil from the cylinder wall to drain. Eventually the constant burning of oil allegedly damages the piston rings and piston heads.
The plaintiffs claim this allows more oil to ignite which further destroys the piston head, cylinder head and other engine components.
According to the class action, a Volvo vehicle will lose power because some of the oxygen usually ignited in the combustion chamber is used to burn excess oil in the cylinder.
The lawsuit also alleges as the "piston head and cylinder head become damaged, power generated by the combustion is dissipated rather than being used to spin the crankshaft to power the vehicle."
The Volvo oil consumption class action says the problems cause the pistons and even the engines to fail because components aren't adequately lubricated. Additionally, fragments from the piston rings or piston heads allegedly circulate through the engines which damages engine components.
The Volvo oil consumption lawsuit further alleges customers get stuck with the expense of repairing or replacing engine parts or the 2.0L 4-cylinder or 2.5L 5-cylinders engines. According to the plaintiffs, replacing one of those engines will cost more than $10,000.
Vehicles that suddenly lose power from piston failures become a safety risk while on the roads, not only to Volvo occupants but to other vehicles and occupants.
The Volvo oil consumption class action lawsuit was filed by these plaintiffs:
The lawsuit includes U.S consumers who purchased or leased any 2013-2016 Volvo vehicle equipped with 2-liter 4-cylinder or 2.5-liter 5-cylinder engine.
The Volvo oil consumption class action was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey: Buchanan, et al., v. Volvo Car USA, LLC, et al.
The plaintiffs are represented by Berger & Montague, P.C, and Capstone Law APC.
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